欢迎来到 EDWARDS,很高兴与您共事。
在 Edwards,我们相信总有一种更好的方法。我们的员工有很多创意。他们具有创造性和创新性,每天都在挑战技术界限,无论他们位于世界的哪个地方。在影响全球每个人日常生活的产品方面,Edwards 勇于探索新的技术和成果,指引着行业潮流。没有比这更令人兴奋的了!
无论您是经验丰富的职场达人,还是初出茅庐的职场新人,我们都竭诚欢迎您加入 Edwards,为您的梦想插上翅膀。
- 关于我们
- 我们的文化
- 认识我们的员工
Edwards 在真空和减排解决方案方面指引寰球潮流。我们每天都在不断挑战科技界限,为消费者提供不可或缺的产品。
Edwards 隶属于阿特拉斯·科普柯集团,该集团是瑞典的一家工业生产力解决方案供应商。了解我们为何跨越一个世纪而长盛不衰,并认识我们的合作伙伴及其所属行业和应用。
2021 年,在阿特拉斯·科普柯集团内部,我们雇佣了 40000 多名充满激情的员工。
在 Edwards,我们坚信,您的职业发展和您自身的成长都是至关重要的。我们积极支持员工寻求新的成长机会,从在职经验中不断学习并通过正式和非正式的培训找寻自我发展的有效方式。
我们在全球近 30 个国家/地区开展运营,如同所有跨国组织一样,我们依靠各个业务领域及职能部门的人才,他们为公司贡献他们的专长。敬请了解我们提供的职位。
Edwards 为工程师提供超出行业大多数公司的成长机会。在我们公司的持续发展中以及不断为客户寻找创新方法的征程中,您将是我们的技术先锋。
无论是在我们的寰球“现场服务”运营团队、寰球“服务技术中心”网络,还是在众多的支持部门,在确保我们的客户使用 Edwards 设备实现投资优化方面,您都发挥着至关重要的作用。
- 多样性和国际流动性
- 安全和福祉
- 个人发展
Edwards 以创新为宗旨,我们相信多样性能激发创新。我们承诺您在招聘和晋升流程中享有平等的机会,我们坚决反对歧视。无论您是何种人才或选择成为何种人才,我们都会竭诚欢迎您。
关于在 Edwards 的职业生涯的常见问题
关于 Edwards 的问题
Edwards 与阿特拉斯·科普柯集团有何关联?
Edwards 品牌是跨国公司阿特拉斯·科普柯集团的子公司,后者总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩。阿特拉斯·科普柯致力于根据客户的偏好,为不同的客户细分市场提供不同的体验和更广泛的产品和服务选择。因此,阿特拉斯·科普柯建立了系列品牌结构,拥有大约 50 个不同品牌,Edwards Vacuum 就是其中之一,属于阿特拉斯·科普柯真空技术部业务领域。
Edwards 推出了哪些多样性和包容性举措?
一个富有包容性且让员工拥有均等机会的工作场所是实现创新和持久价值的基础。这就是我们优先考虑包容性、努力提高多样性、鼓励内部调动以及为员工的成长和发展创造条件的原因所在。Edwards 支持多样性和机会均等。我们致力于建立一个包含所有背景的包容性和多元化团队,接纳多种不同的观点。我们坚信,打造更具包容性的工作环境,有利于我们更好地开展工作。我们诚邀优质人才加入我们的团队,并认真考虑他们的求职申请,而不会在意其个人特征。我们遵守所有关于就业(和招聘)非歧视性的适用法律和法规,以及工作授权和就业资格验证要求。如果您存在任何身体方面的缺陷或残疾,在提交就业申请时需要任何帮助,请告知我们。
Does Edwards offer Early Career Programs?
Yes, students are strongly encouraged to apply. We have internships and apprentice programs available in most of our locations.
What roles does Edwards recruit students for?
We recruit and hire current undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, for internship and full-time opportunities across all lines of business. Some roles include: mechanical engineers, support engineers, field engineers, technical specialists, product managers, operations managers, applied scientists, financial analysts and many more.
In what countries does Edwards recruit students for these roles?
We recruit for internships and full-time roles in more than 70 countries around the world across the Americas, Asia, and Europe.
I would like to write my thesis with Edwards, what possibilities exist?
Your local Edwards office has thesis and paper topic ideas on offer or you can suggest an idea of your own if it is relevant to our business. For more information about writing your thesis with us, please contact local HR.
What benefits does Edwards offer?
We are a decentralized company where local entities and organisations decide which benefits are most attractive to their local employees. Please check each job ad for local benefits.
Does Edwards offer flexible working models?
Yes. Whenever the job role allows, we are offering flexible working hours, such as for most of our office functions. We believe that this flexibility helps all our teams to best combine their work with their personal life.
What learning opportunities exist at Edwards?
We have a culture that actively promotes continuous learning, for the good of everyone's professional and personal development. With us you are in charge of your own professional learning journey and supported with continuous competence development.
Does Edwards have a dress code and do you supply workwear and PPEs?
Every job is a little different and we have various locations, but we have one thing in common: we do not compromise on safety. If your job requires special clothing, workwear or PPEs, Edwards will supply you with them. If you’re unsure what to wear to your interview, or your first day on the job, then just ask your HR contact for advice.
What type of positions does Edwards offer?
Edwards offers positions across many areas, including engineering and R&D, manufacturing, sales and marketing, HR, operations, EHS and many more. We require hands-on service technicians as well as bright scientists, back-office support and experienced managers. Even students are most welcome to learn along with us.
Are all your vacancies advertised on your website?
Yes, all of our current external vacancies are advertised on our website.
Does Edwards offer global career opportunities?
Yes. As Part of the Atlas Copco Group we believe in personal growth through continuous development, but also through internal mobility. We have a strong belief in entrusting our people with responsibility and want to make full use of your knowledge and experience across the Group. We encourage our people to grow by taking on increasingly challenging projects and jobs, offered in the internal job market. There are many routes to take to broaden your set of skills and experiences, taking on a new position in different country, function, division or applying for a more advanced position, are some examples.
I cannot find an open position that fits my profile, what can I do?
All new jobs are posted on our global career page. If you cannot find the job that fits your profile keep checking back. You can also register a spontaneous application. You can set job alerts to be notified about new jobs that match your criteria. Browse all available positions.
How do I apply?
You can start your journey here by using our job search platform to find your perfect career. Our applications process is quite straight forward. Go to our Careers page at Edwards. Search for a position that intrigues and suits you and simply hit apply to start the application process. If nothing suitable is currently available, you can sign up for email job alerts based on job categories and/or locations and we'll inform you about future vacancies that match your search criteria as soon as they become available.
What information should I include in my application?
For ease of applying online, please follow the link to "easy" apply. We encourage you to upload a resume.
How should I prepare for an interview with Edwards?
Depending upon the position you are being considered for, you may participate in a phone screening, video call or in-person interview. Often, you may be asked to meet with several key stakeholders as we progress through the interview process. For several of our positions, we also utilize an assessment to measure behavioural and technical competencies. Overall, we believe that you should bring your authentic self to the interview. Be prepared to speak about your experience and about what motivates you.
Can I apply for multiple positions?
Yes, because Edwards is a global organization with a variety of opportunities available there may be more than one position that appeals to you. We encourage and invite you to apply to all positions that spark your interest and align to your skillset. Come build your future with us!
I forgot my Edwards.jobs password. How do I recover it?
To recover your password, click "Forgot password" on the sign-in screen and enter your username.
I forgot my Edwards.jobs username. How do I recover it?
Try signing in with your current email address.
I was referred for a specific role by an Edwards employee – what do I do now?
If you are referred to a specific open role, go to our careers page and apply online. If your application is selected for further review, a recruiter will contact you directly. Make sure you identify who the referring employee is in the application.
Do I get feedback even if my application wasn’t successful?
Yes, as we value your application we make sure every candidate receives a final decision notification. Please understand that we can only provide individual feedback after an interview. If you are in need for further feedback, please contact our local Recruiting Team, named in the job ad.
Where will the interview take place?
We invite you to virtual and/or face-to-face interviews. To have the most sustainable and effective process, we will decide this individually and locally.
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